Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Songwriting Method

When you write songs, do you generally start with lyrics or music?  Please take a moment to complete the following brief survey:

Songwriting Method Survey (please click to begin survey)

Any comments are welcome!


  1. I typically start with the music first. It's always guitar music. However, I have before started with basic lyrics and wrote music around them. But, by far I find it easier to set the mood of the music and then install the lyrics later. To me the melody, mood, tone, time, and overall atmosphere of the music makes the song and the lyrics must compliment the music to be heard. If the music isn't right the lyrics might as well be presented as just a poem without music to be heard. Wrong music for the lyrical mood means the lyrics won't be heard anyway.

  2. Thanks David! Great points. While I know some people who are much better starting with lyrics first, my approach is more like yours.

  3. Hi Alan! I almost always start with the lyrics first. The words express the thought, and therefore set a mood. For me it is much easier to write that lyrical content first, and then enhance the ideas with chord progressions and melody that finish the emotional picture. Songs speak to people, and the lyrics draw the listener in, like a story. Lyrics paint a picture. Not to say that the melody does not do that, but for me I am always listening for new ways to say things people feel.

  4. Thanks Darcy! Glad you could drop in here. That's a good point you make. For me, being a guitarist for a long time, I tend to think of setting the mood as being a function of the instruments. Whatever the song says lyrically, I need to also be "saying" instrumentally. Make sense? So once I can establish the mood with a musical idea, it's a lot easier to narrow down what the song should be about lyrically.

    But I absolutely hear what you are saying. I guess we're essentially accomplishing the same thing, but just in a different order. Thanks for giving your input!
